Frequently Asked Questions about the NLSPMT 

1. How do I use these standards?

2. Who created these standards, and why?

3. I have some feedback and/or a question. Who do I contact?

4. Can I use the standards to help guide my goal setting for my professional learning plan?

5. Where did the possible resources listed come from?

6. Do I have to use a resource listed on this site to support professional learning for that Standard?

7. Does the Department of Education (EDU) support and endorse all ideas presented in the possible resources?

8. Where can I see some of the research documents that were used to inform the development of the NLSPMT?




1. How do I use these standards?
The Newfoundland and Labrador Standards of Practice for Mathematics Teaching (NLSPMT) provides teachers and other instructional leaders with a clear, concise, resource with which to:

  • recognize and affirm the excellent teaching and learning already occurring;
  • engage in personal reflection of their current practices;
  • identify and address professional learning needs; and,
  • inform the collaborative work of professional learning communities.

You are invited to explore the Standards and identify mathematical or pedagogical areas or topics about which you would like to know more. You may peruse the professional learning resources provided on this site, and perhaps formalize your learning by choosing a STELLAR route. <Back to FAQs>


2. Who created these standards, and why?
Please see A Brief History of... for a synopsis of the origin of the NLSPMT and the Acknowledgements page for a list of the educators and stakeholders who were involved in the creation of the NLSPMT and STELLAR. An organized bibliography is also available here<Back to FAQs>


3. I have some feedback and/or a question. Who do I contact?
EDU welcomes all feedback on the NLSPMT to<Back to FAQs>


4. Can I use the standards to help guide my goal setting for my professional learning plan?
Absolutely! Please do use these standards both to set your goals for your professional growth and to recognize and affirm the excellent teaching practices in which you are already engaged! <Back to FAQs>


5. Where did the possible resources listed come from?
The possible resources listed with each standard were suggested by educators in the province. If you would like to suggest another resource to be added to the list, please send your suggestion to EDU welcomes the opportunity to share more resource ideas with educators. 
<Back to FAQs>


6. Do I have to use a resource listed on this site to support professional learning for that Standard?
No, you can use any of the possible resources listed to support professional learning for any standard as long as it applies. Many of the resources apply to several standards. Additionally, if there's a resource you would like to use that is not listed, just include it on your application form, and the selection committee will make a decision. <Back to FAQs>


7. Does the Department of Education (EDU) support and endorse all ideas presented in the possible resources?
Because many of the possible resources are videos, webinars, etc. hosted by other organizations, EDU cannot monitor daily, nor is responsible for, all content provided. Every effort is made to review and approve the content suggested. Should you find content that may be objectionable, please do not hesitate to bring it to the attention of<Back to FAQs>


8.  Where can I see some of the research documents that were used to inform the development of the NLSPMT?
The development of the Standards was informed by extensive research. An organized bibliography is available here<Back to FAQs>