List of pre-approved courses (7-12)*
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The eligible courses have been grouped on two lists as K-6 and 7-12 for ease of navigation only. A bursary applicant may choose a course from either list, regardless of teaching assignment. Some courses appear on both lists.
*If you are interested in participating in a course not on the current list of choices, please email the STELLAR Program Coordinator at with the course name and number, and the institution at which the course is offered. EDU welcomes the opportunity to add eligible courses to the list of pre-approved courses. If the course is added to the list, you will be notified by email.
Institution | Course | Course Title | Description |
Acadia University |
EDUC 5673 | Current Research and Theory in Curriculum:Mathematics | This course is designed to examine recent research and theoretical developments in a specific subject matter area (sections will be assigned to specific specialty) and how they affect the design of instruction and curriculum. Such developments will be examined in terms of their impact on current teaching and curricular initiatives. If using the course to meet concentration requirements, the focus of the study must be in the concentration area. |
Math 1533 | Mathematical Concepts | This course is designed for students planning a career in elementary education. Topics will include problem solving, logic and sets, algebra and functions, integers, rational numbers, decimals, percents, and real numbers. In this course, you'll go beyond the concepts of math to explore the reasons why particular methods are used and how they work. You'll develop a greater understanding of how mathematics can be taught. | |
Math 1543 | Mathematical Concepts II | This course builds upon MATH 1533 to help you become a stronger and more confident math teacher. You'll focus on understanding why we use the mathematical rules and formulas we do, and how mathematics can be looked at from a teacher's or child's perspective. | |
Math 1553 | Patterns and Algebra | An in-depth study of Patterns and Algebra across grades 4-10, focusing on the development and understanding of the underlying ideas. Additional focus will be placed on where student problems occur, links with other mathematics ideas, and effective teaching strategies. Science students, business students, economics students, and mathematics and statistics majors may not receive credit for this course. | |
Math 1563 | Number: Whole Numbers, Integers, Rationals and Real Numbers | An in-depth study of number (whole numbers, integers, fractions, and decimals) across grades 4-10, focusing on the development and understanding of the underlying ideas. Additional focus will be placed on where student problems occur, links with other mathematics ideas, and effective teaching strategies. | |
Math 1573 | Geometry 2D and 3D | An in-depth study of 2- and 3-dimensional Geometry across grades 4-10, focusing on the development and understanding of the underlying ideas. Additional focus will be placed on where student problems occur, links with other mathematics ideas, and effective teaching strategies. | |
Math 1613 | General Linear Algebra and Calculus for Business and Economics | Linear equations and their graphs. Systems of linear equations and linear inequalities. Polynomials, exponential and logarithmic functions. Vector and matrix algebra. Derivatives and optimization. Applications to business and economics are integrated throughout the course. Emphasis is on understanding how problems are formulated mathematically and on interpretation of mathematically-expressed real-world problems. | |
Athabasca University |
Math 100 |
Developmental Mathematics |
This course is intended as a review of basic mathematics. It is recommended for students who need to develop a mathematical background before taking university level mathematics courses. The course is not given for university credit. Material covered includes basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; fractions and decimals; ratios, proportions and percentages; basic algebra; solution of simple linear equations; graphing of equations; factoring; progressions and logarithms; basic ideas of sets; inequalities; basics of geometry and trigonometry; basics of probability. |
Math 215 | Introduction to Statistics | This course gives students a working knowledge and understanding of descriptive and inferential statistics and how statistics is applied in the sciences, social sciences, and business. | |
Math 309 | Discrete Mathematics | The course covers integers, set theory, logic, relations, functions, Boolean algebra, divisibility, combinatorics, finite-state automata and formal languages. | |
Memorial University of Newfoundland | ED 6630 | Critical Issues in Mathematics Education | The course will be discussion oriented with invitations to take leadership roles with questions, suggestions, and organization for discussion. The intent of the course is to serve as an opening for serious discussion of mathematics. What is mathematics? Why do we teach mathematics? Why is mathematics so heavily valued in our education system? Problem solving, technology, basic skills, process, how do we address these multiple expectations for what mathematics is to represent? What does good math teaching look like? What does it mean to understand mathematics? |
ED 6634 | Teaching and Learning to Solve Mathematics Problems |
The course is intended to broaden the perceptions of mathematics held by the teachers and the community at large. Specifically the focus will be placed on the role of problems in mathematical learning. |
ED 6639 | Technology and the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics | This course will cover a range of ways in which technology can be used in the teaching of mathematics, and the implications that emerging technologies have for the teaching of mathematics. | |
MATH 1001 | Calculus II | This course is an introduction to integral calculus, including Riemann sums and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, techniques of integration, improper integrals and first order differential equations. Applications include: area between curves, volumes of solids of revolution, probability functions and modelling with differential equations. | |
Mount Saint Vincent University | EDUC 2461/Math 2243 | Fundamental Concepts in Mathematics | A study of fundamental mathematics concepts in the areas of numeration systems, rational and irrational numbers, number theory, geometry, probability, statistics and measurement. This course is intended primarily for pre-education students and for teachers and will not be acceptable for the mathematics major or minor. |
GEMS 6401/GCRD 6336 | Numeracy in the Curriculum I | An examination of the concepts of number and operations from grades primary to twelve. Research on number sense is investigated with the aim to develop classroom instruction strategies that foster students’ quantitative thinking. | |
GEMS 6402/GCRD 6337 | Numeracy in the Curriculum II |
An examination of number concepts as they apply in the areas of measurement, probability, and statistics from grades primary to twelve. Research on these areas of application of number sense is investigated with the aim to develop classroom instruction strategies that foster students’ quantitative thinking. | |
GEMS 6403/GCRD 6338 | Problem Solving and Problem Posing in School Mathematics | An investigation of the literature pertaining to problem solving and problem posing in the context of mathematics learning. Students will learn about divergent and convergent thinking processes in mathematics, the integration of creativity and problem solving strategies and their place in the mathematics classroom. | |
GEMS 6404/GCRD 6339 | Educational Perspectives on the Nature of Mathematics | An examination of mathematics, as a form of knowledge and a teachable subject, from multiple perspectives, including philosophy of mathematics education, psychology and cognitive science, and the philosophy, history and sociology of mathematics. Students will consider implications of these perspectives for their teaching practice. | |
GEMS 6426/GCRD 6326 | Learning Difficulties in School Mathematics |
An examination of research on mathematics anxiety, mathematics disabilities, and other learning issues. The course provides an opportunity to use existing tools or to develop specific instruments for determining problematic areas and to plan appropriate teaching strategies. | |
GEMS 6428/GCRD 6328 | Pedagogical Approaches in School Mathematics | An examination of pedagogical approaches in mathematics education. Research on techniques beyond direct instruction is investigated with the aim to develop an extensive pedagogical toolbox of strategies for teaching mathematics. While mathematical content is not the major emphasis of the course, it is often the vehicle for discussion of the pedagogical approaches. | |
GEMS 6429 | Curricular Topics in Elementary and Middle School Mathematics | An examination of current perspectives in mathematics education regarding content knowledge at the elementary and middle school levels. Areas to be reviewed include research on students’ development of quantitative, algebraic, spatial, and statistical reasoning. | |
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) | PK12 - MathI | Mathematics – Intermediate (Grades 7-10) | The Intermediate ABQ in Mathematics focuses on the curriculum in grades 7 to 10. The two strands of this course are the curriculum content and the new trends of teaching and assessing mathematics for adolescent learners. Participants will examine a variety of modules of teaching Mathematics for the adolescent learner. |
PK12-MathS | Mathematics - Senior (Grades 11 and 12) | The Senior ABQ Mathematics course focuses on the senior mathematics curriculum and pedagogical practices of senior mathematics (Grades 11-12). Participants will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the senior math curriculum expectations. Individually, and in groups, participants will also explore, create, and participate in discussions related to new trends in alternative instructional and assessment practices. Connections will be made to how these practices will meet the characteristics of adolescent learners. | |
Note: Please contact for information regarding waiving the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) membership requirement. | |||
Queen's University | CONT573 | Intermediate Mathematics | This course will help you plan and implement an effective Intermediate Math program. Experience elements of backward design. Explore how to collect balanced evidence of learning from varied assessment opportunities. Learn how to tailor learning experiences to suit your students’ learning styles and needs. Create tasks that you can use right away in your Intermediate Math classroom. |
CONT574 | Senior Mathematics | Are you new to teaching Senior Math? Or looking to take your Math teaching to the next level? Senior Math provides the tools to build your Math teaching repertoire. You will explore current learning theories and innovative teaching strategies. You will consider the role of learning environments and inclusive practice on student learning. You will have options to inquire about topics that interest you. You will share thoughts and ideas with colleagues, receive feedback, and reflect. | |
CONT932 | Leadership in Mathematics | This course will critically explore the professional identity and practices associated with teachers as co-inquirers, scholars, researchers, and leaders in mathematics instruction. You will work with course colleagues to create a network of support to develop initiatives in mathematics based on best practices. You will use data to identify a need in the mathematics program in your school community, develop plans for an initiative or a professional learning opportunity to address the need, marshal resources, and communicate the need and the plan to the broader community. You will gain a more complete understanding of the principals of leadership and how you can apply them to deepen your students’ learning in math as you work with school administration and the community. | |
CONT933 | Using Technology to Teach Mathematics | With recent changes to the BC curriculum, there is a shift towards more inquiry-based and interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Teachers are encouraged to cover to teach both breadth and depth for each subject, and to include real-world connections and 21st century skills. In this course, you will learn ways that technology in mathematics can be used to make your own teaching stronger and more effective (and efficient!). You will learn how to evaluate and justify technological applications and the difference between meaningful learning through technology and simple enhancements. You will create and share resources that can be adapted and used for multiple grades and units. You will learn how to teach students about technology through technology. Most importantly, you will become more comfortable and proficient in these areas yourself. Whether you are a novice or an expert, you will learn and become a stronger and more relevant math teacher. | |
CONT934 | Mathematic Strategies for At-Risk Students | All teachers have that moment when a student says “I hate math,” and what they really mean is “I don’t understand this and it’s hard. I’m behind before I start!” This course is designed to extend your knowledge of mathematics instruction to apply to students at risk of being unsuccessful in mathematics programs. The course explores learning theories and current perspectives on teaching mathematics as well as non-academic issues related to student success in mathematics. We will look at the practice of backward planning with Universal Design for Learning as well as the implementation of a response-to-intervention model. This course provides the foundational understanding to assess and implement differentiated programs for students at risk in mathematics. The course focuses on structuring programs to meet the unique needs of students, addressing factors like exceptionalities, behaviours, and motivation. Through coursework and discussions with peers, the candidate will build a repertoire of tools and strategies to change the pathway for the students at risk of being unsuccessful. | |
Simon Fraser University | Math 190 | Principles of Mathematics for Teachers |
Mathematical ideas involved in number systems and geometry in the elementary school curriculum. Overview of the historical development of these ideas, and their place in contemporary mathematics. Language and notation of mathematics; problem solving; whole number, fractional number, and rational number systems. Plane geometry, solid geometry, metric geometry, and the geometry of the motion. Introduction to probability and statistics. Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus 11 or Foundations of Mathematics 11 (or equivalent) with a grade of at least B, or SFU FAN X99 course with a grade of at least C, or achieving a satisfactory grade on the Simon Fraser University Quantitative Placement Test. Intended to be particularly accessible to students who are not specializing in mathematics. |
Thompson Rivers University | Math 0401 | Intermediate Mathematics | The main goal of MATH 0401 is to provide students with a solid grounding in Grade 10 mathematics. |
Math 0532 | Advanced Mathematics | This advanced-level algebra course is equivalent to Grade 11 algebra [Pre-calculus]. The course offers an optional review component for students who have not studied algebra for some time. Topics include equations, graphs, polynomials, rational equations, radical equations, and trigonometry. | |
Math 0633 | Pre-Calculus | This course is equivalent to Math 12 and provides the mathematical foundation for an introductory course in calculus. Topics include a review of basic algebra; equations and inequalities; graphs of functions; polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions; trigonometric equations and identities; conic sections; and sequences and series. | |
University of Alberta | EDEL 517 | Classroom Based Research in Mathematics | Current issues in teaching and learning mathematics will be examined through classroom-based research and practice. Classroom events, mathematical tasks, and student work will be used as sites for critique, inquiry and investigation into theory and practice of teaching mathematics to children. |
University of Calgary | EDER 689.82 | Learning Mathematics: Current Perspectives | Introductory systematic study of research and issues focused on various areas of the school curriculum. |
EDER 689.83 | Teaching Mathematics | Introductory systematic study of research and issues focused on various areas of the school curriculum. | |
EDER 689.88 | Mathematical Learning: Design and Implementation | With the emergence of new insights into the complexities of individual learning and collective knowledge production, new strategies have been developed for the design of learning opportunities—tasks, lessons, units, projects—and the interpretation of student performances in mathematics. This course will look at some of those strategies (e.g., lesson study), the theories that support them, and the sorts of products and performances they foster. Participants will engage in collaborative and iterative approaches for developing and implementing effective mathematics learning and will plan for gathering and analyzing artifacts of student learning including the implications for assessing such learning (formative and summative assessments) and using assessment to further inform practice. | |
EDER 689.98 |
Mathematical Knowledge for Teachers |
Introductory systematic study of research and issues focused on various areas of the school curriculum. |
University of Nebraska | Math 810T | Algebra for Algebra Teachers | The integers. The Euclidean algorithm, the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, and the integers mod n. Polynomials with coefficients in a field. The division algorithm, the unique factorization theorem, and its applications. Polynomials whose coefficients are rational, real or complex. Polynomial interpolation. The habits of mind of a mathematical thinker. The conceptual underpinnings of school algebra. |
Math 811T | Functions for High School Teachers | Course examines mathematics underlying pre-calculus material through problem solving. Connections to other topics in mathematics, including algebra, geometry and advanced mathematics are highlighted. | |
Math 812T | Geometry for Geometry Teachers | The main goal of this course is to strengthen teachers’ mathematical background for teaching Geometry. The content is focused on the fundamental concepts of Euclidean geometry which naturally lead to a study of non-Euclidean geometries. Familiar properties of Euclidean geometry (such as triangle congruence properties and the Pythagorean theorem) are then compared to their analogs in non-Euclidean geometry. The course will make extensive use of manipulatives and other dynamic geometry software. | |
Math 800T (Suitable for Grades 3-7) |
Mathematics as a Second Language | This course will help strengthen student achievement by focusing on the development of “habits of mind of a mathematical thinker”. The approach is to understand arithmetic (number) and (introductory) algebra as a means of communicating mathematical ideas, and will stress a deep understanding of the basic operations of arithmetic, as well as the interconnected nature of arithmetic, algebra and geometry relating to the grades 3-7 curriculum. Not open to high school teachers. | |
Math 802T | Functions, Algebra and Geometry for Middle-Level Teachers | This course is designed to help middle-level math teachers gain a deep understanding of the concept of function and the algebra and geometry concepts taught in the middle-level (through early high school) curriculum. Participants also will study measurement with an emphasis on length, area and volume. | |
Math804T | Experimentation, Conjecture and Reasoning | Development of problem solving skills through solving unique problems that engage learners in the cycle of experimentation, observation and conjecture, followed by reasoning and proof. Concepts of logical reasoning in the context of geometry, number patterns, infinite sets, probability and statistics. | |
Math 805T | Discrete Math for Teachers | Designed to extend and deepen knowledge of discrete mathematics with connections to topics covered in middle through high school curricula. Course topics (including mathematical reasoning, induction, recursion, graph theory and counting techniques) are introduced through "hands-on" explorations through which various problem-solving strategies are emphasized. | |
Math 806T | Number Theory and Cryptology for Teachers | Focuses on basic number theory results which are needed to understand the number theoretic RSA cryptography algorithm (an encryption algorithm used to secure information sent via the internet). Emphasizes connections to school mathematics and promotes a deep understanding of the integers and their properties. Includes an introduction to elementary methods for encoding and decoding to elucidate the nature of cryptology. These methods are readily adaptable as enrichment activities in the classroom. | |
Math 807T | Using Math to Understand Our World | A project-based course studying mathematics which underlie several socially-relevant questions from a variety of academic disciplines. Construct mathematical models of the problems and study them using concepts developed from algebra, linear and exponential functions, statistics and probability. Original documentation, such as government data, reports and research papers, in order to provide a sense of the role mathematics plays in society, both past and present. | |
Math 808T | Concepts of Calculus | The processes of differentiation and integration, their applications and the relationship between the two processes. Rates of change, slopes of tangent lines, limits, derivatives, extrema, derivatives of products and quotients, anti-derivatives, areas, integrals, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Course includes connections to concepts in algebra and middle-level curriculum. | |
Math 814T | Linear Algebra for Teachers | Linear Algebra is an intertwined study of linear equations and linear transformations. The geometry of lines and planes mixes with the practicalities of keeping secrets, planning production, and understanding data. In this course, we learn how all these threads are linked together. | |
Stat 812T | Statistics for High School Teachers | Develops and equips high school teachers with the statistical knowledge they need for teaching. Statistics is a key component in the secondary mathematics curriculum and appears in most standards for secondary mathematics. This course seeks to develop a deeper understanding of the statistical concepts that high school teachers will be expected to convey to their students. The course will also prepare secondary teachers to teach AP Statistics. | |
TEAC 880E | Teaching Mathematics with Technology | The focus of this course is on developing skills for using technology in the teaching and learning of middle and high school mathematics. Topics found in PreAlgebra, Algebra, Geometry, Pre-Calculus and Calculus courses will be emphasized. Geometry properties and theorems, functions, transformations, conics, data analysis and other mathematics topics will be addressed. Participants will develop interactive mathematics applets, map downloaded files to their curriculum, and develop an implementation plan of action. | |
TEAC 892 | Seminar in Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education | Topics vary. Some possible titles are: Integrating Geometry Teaching & Learning, Integrating Mathematics Teaching & Learning (pre-calculus content); Teaching High School Statistics; Teacher Learning about Reasoning & Sensemaking in Secondary Classrooms | |
TEAC 949A | Trends and Issues in Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Critical analysis of literature and research on teaching, learning, and schooling. | |
University of Waterloo | Math 600 AND Math 692 |
Introduction to Computer Science: A Mathematical Perspective AND Reading, Writing and Discovering Proofs |
The first course listed introduces students to foundational ideas in computer science and their relationship to foundational ideas in mathematics through the use of a functional programming language designed for education. The second course listed develops the vocabulary, techniques and analytical skills associated with reading and writing proofs, to gain practice in formulating conjectures and discovering proofs. Emphasis will be placed on understanding logical structures, recognition and command over common proof techniques, and precision in language. |
Math 631 | Statistics for Teachers | This course discusses some of the mathematical and scientific aspects of empirical, or data-based, problem solving. Topics will include methods for the design of experiments and surveys, and the analysis of data using statistical models. Examples will illustrate the application of these methods to data-based problems in science, health, business and industry. | |
Math 636 | Linear Algebra for Teachers | This course explores the foundations of linear algebra and some of its applications. An emphasis will be placed on the development of mathematical thinking and the importance of proof in mathematical teaching. Topics include: matrices, linear mappings, vector spaces, determinants, diagonalization, inner products, the Fundamental Theorem of Linear Algebra, and the method of least squares. | |
Math 640 | Number Theory for Teachers | This course explores the many fascinating properties of the natural numbers. Topics include: the Euclidean algorithm, congruences and modular arithmetic, primitive roots and quadratic residues, sums of squares, multiplicative functions, continued fractions and Diophantine equations. | |
Math 661 | Problem Solving and Proof in Geometry | This course explores the Euclidean geometry of triangles and circles from elementary to advanced settings. The course also briefly discusses three-dimensional geometry. An emphasis is placed on proof, on problem solving, on problem creation in a geometric context, and on aspects of teaching geometry. Where possible, problems that combine multiple areas of mathematics are used. | |
Math 674-001 AND Math 674-002 | Special Topics in Mathematical Connections (Mathematical Finance I and II) | This two-part course on interest theory covers basic present and future values of investments, including ordinary and growing annuities, mortgages, loan payments, basic stock valuation, bond valuation, the yield curve, returns on portfolios and projects, and durationand convexity, as well as an introduction to stochastic interest rate models and the pricing of interest rate derivatives. | |
Math 674-004 AND Math 674-005 | Special Topics in Mathematical Connections (Fractals and Graph Theory) | These two special topics half-courses will provide an understanding of some of the mathematical techniques used to study chaos and fractals as well as a proof-oriented introduction to the beauty and complexity of the theory of graphs. | |
Upper Iowa University | EDU 253 | Mathematics for Elementary and Middle School Teachers | This course incorporates the use of a problem-solving approach in the development of mathematical topics relevant to the K-8 elementary school teacher. Topics will be selected from the following: sets, functions and logic, numeration systems and whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, number theory, decimals, probability and statistics, geometry and concepts of measurement. This course is recommended for anyone who will be teaching mathematics in grades K-8. |
York University | YS20MA71 | Mathematics, Grades 7 & 8 | This Mathematics Grades 7 and 8 Additional Qualification (AQ) Course employs a critical, pedagogical lens for exploration in a holistic and integrated manner: theoretical foundations, learning theory, program planning, development and implementation, instructional design and practices, assessment and evaluation, the learning environment, and research and ethical considerations related to teaching and learning across the divisions. Through their explorations, candidates strengthen professional efficacy by gaining in-depth knowledge, refining professional judgment and generating new knowledge for practice. |
YS20HMA1 | Honour Specialist (Mathematics) | In this Honour Specialist (Mathematics), Additional Qualification (AQ) course, we will examine our values, perceptions and knowledge about teaching, learning and education leadership in mathematics. We will build on this understanding through professional readings, developing interesting new ways of teaching, discussions, ongoing analysis, reflection, and finally an inquiry project. These learning experiences will provide the basis for your understanding of current pedagogy in the teaching of mathematics as well as enable you to be a leader implementing change in your school environment. You will look closely at a variety of instructional strategies as well as your role as a leader and a facilitator of change. By increasing your understanding of professional communities of practice, you will solidify your own ability to be a strong communicator and assist your teacher colleagues in adopting a “strong vision” for the teaching of mathematics. | |
YS19INM1 | Intermediate Basic (Mathematics) | Candidates come to the Additional Basic Qualification course: Intermediate Division, Mathematics with an interest or background in this subject matter, and a desire to improve their mathematical content knowledge for teaching across the intermediate grades, and to learn new teaching and assessment strategies to help intermediate mathematics learners achieve success. The underlying purpose of the Additional Basic Qualification course is to extend teaching skills and knowledge of a subject-specific intermediate division program. At least one half of the course concentrates on subject specific content. On completion of this course, participants will have a deeper understanding of mathematics content in Intermediate grades, including fraction and integer operations, moving from patterns to algebra, circles and pi, and the Pythagorean relationship. Participants will build their mathematical content knowledge for teaching, and learn strategies to support grade 7-10 students talking, thinking, and reasoning. Assessment for and as learning strategies are a key focus of the course. Frequent feedback and checks for understanding are important to the Intermediate learner. Building equitable math classrooms through differentiation, assessment, accommodating for exception and ELL learners, and considering Indigenous ways of knowing mathematics will be an important "lens" or way of seeing the course content. | |
NEW GRAD – Intermediate Basic (Mathematics) |
This courses is specifically tailored for newly graduated teachers with limited classroom experience. Candidates come to the Additional Basic Qualification course: Intermediate Division, Mathematics with an interest or background in this subject matter, and a desire to improve their mathematical content knowledge for teaching across the intermediate grades, and to learn new teaching and assessment strategies to help intermediate mathematics learners achieve success. The underlying purpose of the Additional Basic Qualification course is to extend teaching skills and knowledge of a subject-specific intermediate division program. At least one half of the course concentrates on subject specific content. On completion of this course, participants will have a deeper understanding of mathematics content in Intermediate grades, including fraction and integer operations, moving from patterns to algebra, circles and pi, and the Pythagorean relationship. Participants will build their mathematical content knowledge for teaching, and learn strategies to support grade 7-10 students talking, thinking, and reasoning. Assessment for and as learning strategies are a key focus of the course. Frequent feedback and checks for understanding are important to the Intermediate learner. Building equitable math classrooms through differentiation, assessment, accommodating for exception and ELL learners, and considering Indigenous ways of knowing mathematics will be an important "lens" or way of seeing the course content. |
NG20MA7Y | NEW GRAD – Mathematics, Grade 7 & 8 |
This courses is specifically tailored for newly graduated teachers with limited classroom experience. This Mathematics Grades 7 and 8 Additional Qualification (AQ) Course employs a critical, pedagogical lens for exploration in a holistic and integrated manner: theoretical foundations, learning theory, program planning, development and implementation, instructional design and practices, assessment and evaluation, the learning environment, and research and ethical considerations related to |